Confidence Unleashed: Lily's Empowering Experience with Femilift Vaginal Rejuvenation

Lily is a vibrant and confident individual. She has a demanding job but she manages well. She is active in her community, she is married and building her life with her husband and children. But lately, she’s noticing that she can’t keep up with the demands of her life. She is exhausted at the end of every day, which is affecting her sex drive. When she is sexually active, it has become uncomfortable due to vaginal dryness. She finds that she is avoiding being intimate with her husband due to these two factors. Now, to top it all, she’s started experiencing urinary  incontinence. So, when she laughs, sneezes or coughs, some urine leaks out! At this point, she knew she had to do something. She started her own research and came upon vaginal rejuvenation with FemiLift. Lily found some questions online in addition to hers that helped her with her decision

  • "What is Femilift and how does it work?"
  • "Is Femilift safe and painless?"
  • "What are the benefits of Femilift over traditional surgical methods?"
  • "How many sessions of Femilift are required for noticeable results?"
  • "Can Femilift help with both vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence?"
  • "What is the recovery time after a Femilift procedure?"
  • "Does Femilift affect sexual sensation and pleasure?"
  • "Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with Femilift?"
  • "How long do the results of Femilift last?"
  • "Can women of all ages and backgrounds undergo Femilift?"

Driven by the desire to regain her life and embrace her femininity again, Lily sought answers to these questions. She consulted with a reputable medical professional in Chicago, Doctor Taiwo Durowade at Dardur Medical Group, who is a menopause specialist and an expert in vaginal laser treatment. During her consultation, the Doctor began to clear things up, starting with her first question.

  • What is Femilift and how does it work?

Vaginal Laser Treatment with Femilift employs advanced laser technology to repair the vaginal tissue, reverse the effect of aging and childbearing, stimulate collagen production in the vagina, restoring its elasticity and strength. 

  • Is Femilift safe and painless?

The procedure is non-invasive, virtually painless, and requires minimal downtime, which was perfect for Lily's busy lifestyle.

  • What are the benefits of Vaginal Laser Treatment over traditional surgical methods?

The key benefits of Femilift over the traditional surgical methods is low cost, reduced risk and complications, no anesthesia, no incisions or stitches. 

  • How many sessions of Femilift are required for noticeable results?

The doctor explained that three sessions a month apart is all that’s needed. Most women start to notice the difference after the very first session. She was referred to our YouTube videos that detail our patient’s testimonials so she could be reassured that other women have been successfully treated. Why Vaginal Rejuvenation with Femilift is better series. The best part was Doctor Durowade even shared a testimonial of how Vaginal Rejuvenation made Difference in her patients Life

  • Can Femilift help with both vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence?

One of the questions she found on google related to bladder issues. Lily had started to notice a small leakage of urine if she laughed too hard or jumped too quickly. She could also not hold her urine for some time like she used to. She had reduced her water intake and started doing Kegel exercises without much improvement in her symptoms. Dr. Durowade explained how vaginal laser treatment with Femilift rebuilds the pelvic floor which lifts up the bladder and cures this urinary incontinence and urinary urgency problem.

  • What is the recovery time after a Femilift procedure?

Due to her busy life, Lily wanted to be sure that this procedure will not take her out for too long. Dr. Durowade advised that there is no downtime at all with this procedure. She can resume her work or daily activities immediately after. 

  •  Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with Femilift?

As expected, everybody wonders if they will react differently to a new treatment. But Dr. Durowade assured Lily that there are minimal side effects with the Vaginal Laser Treatment. Some women whose vaginal dryness has been untreated for a while may notice light spotting after the procedure, but this resolves within a few days. 

  •  How long do the results of Femilift last?

Dr. Durowade advised Lily that the results can last over 24 months. As women continue to age, so does the body (i.e vagina), so some women may need a one-time maintenance treatment once a year. 

  • Can women of all ages and backgrounds undergo Vaginal Laser Treatment?

Lily was wondering if she was too young to have a laser treatment. But Dr. Durowade informed here that there is no age limit for FemiLift. Any woman who is sexually active and having vaginal discomfort or issues is a good candidate. Dr. Durowade will assess the woman’s history, medical conditions and medications to determine if she is a good candidate. 

  •  Does Femilift affect sexual sensation and pleasure?

Dr. Durowade advised Lily that the core purpose of vaginal rejuvenation with Femilift is to reverse what time has done to the vaginal tissue. The repair mechanisms that repair the body are deployed to the vagina, and this leads to younger tissue, new nerve endings which lead to increased sensation. This is what leads to enhanced sexual pleasure.  

Excited about the possibilities Femilift offered, Lily decided to undergo a series of Femilift sessions. As she progressed through the treatments, she noticed immediate improvements in her vaginal lubrication and tone. After treatment two, her urinary incontinence had completely resolved. And by treatment 3, she felt like a woman again. Her sex drive had returned because sex was now pleasurable and she was no longer embarrassed in public because of urine leakage. Her confidence had been restored!


Lily regained her life, womanhood and confidence back by connecting with Dr. Durowade at Dardur Medical. She has been telling everyone who’ll listen that Dardur Medical is the best place to go for Vaginal Rejuvenation In Chicago and that it was her best decision of her life. Book your appointment or call us today to discuss your journey toward confidence and living your life to the fullest.