Causes of Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse, or dyspareunia as it is medically known, is a real issue for many women. It’s uncomfortable, can be debilitating and can severely hamper your intimate relationships. Many women tend to not share these issues and suffer in silence. Pain during sex can happen at any age; however, it is more common in women over 40 who may experience discomfort due to vaginal dryness caused by menopause/menopausal transition. While there are treatments available to help alleviate the pain associated with dyspareunia, understanding the causes of painful intercourse is the first step in finding relief.

Penetrative sex should not cause pain but more pleasure —this includes using fingers, or any other object that enters the vagina. If you find yourself wincing when trying to engage in penetration, then you may be suffering from one of the following causes of painful intercourse.

Age-Related Changes

As women age, their bodies change and they may experience physical issues that can cause pain during sex. Menopause is one such issue as it leads to a decrease in estrogen which can cause vaginal dryness, thinning of the tissue in the vagina, leading to discomfort or pain during penetration. Additionally, older women may have decreased muscle tone due to menopause or other age-related factors making penetration painful.

How can I reduce pain during sex?

With the dwindling estrogen levels as women get older,  there are some ways you can reduce the effect. After a discussion with our gynecologist 

  • Over the counter non prescription water based lubricants
  • Vaginal Cream can be used 
  • Prescription hormones after having detailed discussion with your doctor
“ Intimacy should not be painful but pleasurable”


Infections like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can all lead to pelvic pain and discomfort during sex. This is because these types of infections lead to inflammation and irritation of the vaginal area and sometimes even the uterus. Additionally, yeast infections can cause itching which can be worsened by penetration.

One of the most common reasons for young women to have pain with intercourse is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection or bladder infection) as per research in Journal of sexual medicine. The association between UTI and dyspareunia is approximately  80% in premenopausal women. UTI is the second most common infection that causes painful intercourse after vaginal dryness.

Yet we can not deny other infections and specially Yeast infections. As per study done by the national institute of health out of 100 women 75 have vaginal yeast infection once in their lifetime and is this one of the many reasons of painful intercourse if you are having infections and it's not going away with other the counter medications then  best course of action is to have a word with your healthcare specialist


Certain medications such as certain antihistamines or antidepressants can decrease arousal, causing a decrease in vaginal lubrication which leads to painful intercourse. For women, desire and arousal is what leads to lubrication in the vagina. Therefore, if your antidepressant or blood pressure medicine has reduced your sex drive and desire, then you are likely to experience loss of lubrication, leading to vaginal dryness. Additionally, some women on hormonal treatments may experience a change in their body chemistry which can make sex uncomfortable. Further, women undergoing chemotherapy can experience loss of lubrication. This is because chemotherapy suppresses the ovaries, leading to less estrogen production, leading to vaginal dryness. Some women with breast cancer have to take anti-estrogen medication to reduce their risk of recurrence of breast cancer. These anti-estrogen medications lead to lower levels of estrogen in the body, therefore, lower levels in the vagina, leading to vaginal dryness and ultimately pain with sex.

Medical Conditions

Numerous Gynecologic conditions can cause painful intercourse. Few of them are listed here to give you a basic understanding.

PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease ) is a bacterial infection of your reproductive organs like in the Uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. These infections are longer lasting, they can take time to treat, and can cause pain during intercourse in your lower abdomen or pelvic. Some women describe a “burning pain” in the lower abdomen with deep penetration. This is because penetration leads to movement of the uterus, and if there is an infection in the uterus, it will cause pain if it is rustled around.

Uterine fibroids are tumors that are usually non-cancerous that develop within the uterus wall. If they are large, they can cause pain during sex. To learn more about fibroids and painful periods, please check out this detailed article we’ve written about things every woman should know about uterine fibroids.

Endometriosis is one medical condition that affects many women around the world and it has been linked to pelvic pain during intercourse. This is because endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus and during penetration this tissue becomes agitated leading to discomfort or even pain due to inflammation or contraction of the muscles in the pelvic area.

No Matter what kind of medical condition you are going through, do not ignore it. Talk to us or your gynecologist about your symptoms. Don't suffer in silence with painful intercourse. There are effective treatments available to you. 

Psychological Issues

Stress and anxiety can be major contributors to painful intercourse. If a woman is feeling anxious about sex, her body may tense up leading to pain during penetration due to muscular contractions. Additionally, if she isn’t aroused or doesn’t feel comfortable having sex with her partner, either due to a mental health issue or conflict with her partner, this could lead to pain and discomfort as well.

There are many reasons apart from those mentioned above that can lead to painful intercourse. One of the other psychological pressures women face is difficulty with explaining the psychological condition she is experiencing. 

That is why it is important to ask your doctor questions:

  • How many women with pelvic pain have you treated?
  • What are the available treatments and which are the most effective? 

The more questions you ask, the more relaxed you will become as they lay out a plan to figure out the cause of your symptoms and create a plan of care to address it. 

Having open dialogue with your partner when possible will help you bond better and also grow a couple. This can help to overcome the anxiety of being intimate, it can build trust with your allowing you to be more relaxed when you are ready to engage.

You Don't Have To Suffer in Silence. Speak Up, We Can Help"


At Dardur Medical Group, we can confidently say we have the cure for vaginal dryness. Being the best in the business of Vaginal Rejuvenation in Chicago, we have helped many women dealing with painful intercourse, women experiencing a  loss of interest in sex, or loss of sexual satisfaction with their partners using Vaginal Laser treatment with Femilift CO2 Technology. These women have gained their lives back, they have restored their relationships with their partners by reason of this simple, 5-minute procedure. 

At Dardur Medical Group, we understand that dealing with painful intercourse is frustrating and uncomfortable to even talk about. Our team of experts will help you feel comfortable enough to share your concerns. Our gynecologist is gentle and kind, she asks detailed questions so you can get to the root cause of the issue. Don’t suffer in silence, contact us today to start your journey towards a pain-free sex life!

Book Your Consultation with us today and revitalize your life!